Monday, December 24, 2012

pedicures and set ups

so, lately a lot of my friends have been on this kick to set me up, which i am very thankful and appreciative of, but there is one little catch or thing that i struggle with.  i think my friends get excited and forget to ask the guys first, which i think they probably should, as it seems to be a major road block in the match making plan.  i will honestly go out with anyone that my friend's try to set me up with, but recently the guys haven't been on board, and that is no fun.  one thing is for sure though, it is always better to go out with someone that you know from a friend, than a total stranger. 

recently one of my best friend's thought i would be perfect for her cousin.  she told me that she didn't know why she hadn't though of this before, but he was really picky and so was i, so she really thought that we may hit it off.  sono, she told him to "stalk" me on facebook, haha.  she actually suggested that we be friends on facebook, so he added me as a friend, but it stopped there.  bad sign, haha.  clearly he saw something he didn't like.  it isn't like i had anything invested, but it just stinks to get your hopes up all for the guy to reject you in some way shape or form.

i continue in my online dating adventures, but goodness it is one dead end after another.... the most recent guy seemed super nice, but once i started talking to him more, i learned that he is a workaholic, isn't a country boy at all, and get ready... he gets pedicures, i need a man's man.  i mean, if a guy has gotten one for a special occasion, that is one thing, but seriously, i cannot handle a metrosexual guy.  i felt bad, but he also lived 2 hours away, so i used that as my excuse to tell him that i just wasn't that interested.

goodness, dating is for the birds sometimes, but i am trying to remind myself that man's rejection is God's protection, and it really may be that i am in a season of singleness for a reason.  while it is my greatest heart's desire to be married and to be a mom, i know there is a reason that it is not in God's perfect will for my life.  until, i will continue to try to be more joyful and remember all the daily blessings i have in my life.

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