Sunday, March 10, 2013

some decisions just aren't easy...

so, i'm sure i'll be back to my funny dating stories soon.  i keep telling some of my close girlfriends who are single they need to do a guest post, seriously they have some stories.  as i always say, we really cannot make this stuff up!

so, i haven't written much lately, as i had actually made it to four dates with one guy... that is big time for this girl!  four dates that i actually wanted to go on, four dates that i was excited about, and four dates that were fun.  he took me to dinner, movies, we went bowling (highly recommend this as a date, it was so much fun), took me to my favorite mexican restaurant, and even cooked me dinner (it was delicious) are probably wondering, then why am i acting or talking like there may not be a fifth... because there will not be, and i am sad about it.

when you pray for something for so long and it is your greatest heart's desire, you can't just throw all caution to wind and compromise or settle just because a guy is charming, attractive, successful, and treats you well... you see, he was missing the biggest piece of the puzzle... he didn't love Jesus.  a lot of my friends weighed in and had their opinions on this, but i know in my heart that RJ wasn't God's best for me right now.  we were raised with different beliefs, and while i do think he had potential and was willing to come to church with me (he said he would), he didn't live a life following Christ at this time.  i know i could have taken a chance and prayed daily that he would come to know the Lord, and be the spiritual leader i want in a husband, there also could have been a chance that he didn't and then i could have fallen in love with him and it been much harder.  so, tonight, i made the difficult decision to tell him that we couldn't hang out any longer. 

i am clinging to my faith and my trust in knowing that ultimately God already knows and he has all of this taken care of.  while i am sad tonight, i know that i made the right decision.  i would rather be single than in a relationship or a marriage with a non-believer.  i cannot even imagine going through life without Christ in the center of a marriage.  marriage is hard enough from what i have been told, so i don't want other factors making it more difficult.

today our pastor, Chris, delivered an amazing message (i highly recommend you listen to it... go to New Charlotte Church's website, download the podcast) on Ruth and at some point Chris said.... "For all of you who are single and praying for your future husband or wife and praying that God will send him or her soon, stop praying that prayer.  Instead, pray that God will make you the wife or husband you need to be for your future spouse."  It is so true, I want to be ready when I meet him.  God already has him picked out:)