Tuesday, August 5, 2014

i cannot make this stuff up....

so, i took about a three to four month break from online dating, as i was truly just exhausted from the awkward first dates, the ups and downs, and so much more.  i was finally ready to join the online dating world again, after that much needed break.  pretty quickly i got matched up with some cute guys and i was excited.

"two-timer" was the first guy.  obviously from the name alone, you know this doesn't end well.  i was genuinely so excited to meet him.  he seemed so nice, very funny, and it was just easy to talk to him.  after about a week and a half of us messaging one another, he asked to meet up.  i will not bore you all with the details of the next part, but suffice it to say that we realized we had a mutual friend, and it was a girl he dated.  he told me to talk to her, so i did.  she said that they dated for about three months, and that he was the one guy she would go back out with, if he asked.  wow. i couldn't believe my luck.  if they had just gone on a few casual dates or met for dinner and coffee, then i could deal with that.  unfortunately, that was not the case.  so, i had peace in my decision, that we would not meet.  it gets better though.  my friend is still friends with him on FB, so she sent me a screen shot a few days after all this went down that said he was in a relationship.  now, i know 13 year olds post funny things, like in a relationship with their bffs, but not grown men.  it really stinks, because i thought he was a great guy, super respectful, and overall a great guy...i was wrong.  i can see that all of this was God's protection, but sometimes i am in disbelief at what i encounter.

second guy didn't really get a nickname, but he was a civil engineer, so we can call him that.  we messaged for about a week or two and then he asked to meet up.  unfortunately, our schedules did not mesh well because i was travelilng for work/going out of town and his schedule, so it was supposed to be this week.  well,, i didn't hear from him for a few days, so i sent him a message yesterday saying it was nice to get to know him a little, but good luck in his search since i hadn't heard from him.  he responded later and basically told me that he was really sorry that he hadn't reached out to schedule a time to meet, but a girl he has dated on and off for a year, reached back out last sunday, and he has been trying to figure out if he wants to date her again.  he told me he was "emotionally unavailable."  a good friend of mine, was like, isn't that something girls say, hahaha.  so, another one bites the dust.

this road of singleness is hard, but definitely provides entertainment.  i will keep posting, but i am going to make this blog private.  i don't want any of these guys getting access to my stories.  if you want to be added, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. wow, sorry about Civil Engineer guy...but as you said about 'two-timer', it HAS to be God's protection for you...One Sweet Day you will meet THE ONE...I just know it!!! Love you girly...Moma
