Monday, August 18, 2014

this one is worth the read...

okay, so get ready for a good one!  i have been asking my single friends to send me examples of the crazy things we encounter in this crazy dating world... i have a few examples for you.  i have pictures, as i honestly could not even come up with these examples.  i thought i'd stereotype the guys we encounter...

the super shallow guy.
while we all know that guys typically value looks more than personality, most guys would not be so brutally honest.  i feel as though, they can not message you back or not agree to go on a date with you because they aren't attracted to you, but rarely do they just say it out right... without further explanation, here are two great examples.  these two guys were from friends of mine. 

Mark may need serious prayer, and I hope someone puts him in his place very soon.

the desperate guy.  (introduction email is a marriage proposal)

the married guy.  (i wish i could say that this wasn't one i encountered, but it was.  so very sad)

yall dating is HARD.  while there are definitely great christian men out there, they are very hard to find.  i say this all the time, but if you are married, be so unbelievably thankful. i may add more to these later, but for now, enjoy our crazy adventures dating in 2014.

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