Monday, December 24, 2012

pedicures and set ups

so, lately a lot of my friends have been on this kick to set me up, which i am very thankful and appreciative of, but there is one little catch or thing that i struggle with.  i think my friends get excited and forget to ask the guys first, which i think they probably should, as it seems to be a major road block in the match making plan.  i will honestly go out with anyone that my friend's try to set me up with, but recently the guys haven't been on board, and that is no fun.  one thing is for sure though, it is always better to go out with someone that you know from a friend, than a total stranger. 

recently one of my best friend's thought i would be perfect for her cousin.  she told me that she didn't know why she hadn't though of this before, but he was really picky and so was i, so she really thought that we may hit it off.  sono, she told him to "stalk" me on facebook, haha.  she actually suggested that we be friends on facebook, so he added me as a friend, but it stopped there.  bad sign, haha.  clearly he saw something he didn't like.  it isn't like i had anything invested, but it just stinks to get your hopes up all for the guy to reject you in some way shape or form.

i continue in my online dating adventures, but goodness it is one dead end after another.... the most recent guy seemed super nice, but once i started talking to him more, i learned that he is a workaholic, isn't a country boy at all, and get ready... he gets pedicures, i need a man's man.  i mean, if a guy has gotten one for a special occasion, that is one thing, but seriously, i cannot handle a metrosexual guy.  i felt bad, but he also lived 2 hours away, so i used that as my excuse to tell him that i just wasn't that interested.

goodness, dating is for the birds sometimes, but i am trying to remind myself that man's rejection is God's protection, and it really may be that i am in a season of singleness for a reason.  while it is my greatest heart's desire to be married and to be a mom, i know there is a reason that it is not in God's perfect will for my life.  until, i will continue to try to be more joyful and remember all the daily blessings i have in my life.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

paleo diet, older guys, and so much more

so, i ended up meeting said guy from crossfit post mentioned here.  couple things i should start by saying, he was attractive, i did think he was cute.  very fit (as you can imagine, he does crossfit) and tall, but here comes the good stuff.  so, my friend and i ended up going to a zumba class, which was a lot of fun, and the plan was to meet said guy at a cafe/deli after all three of us worked out (note:: in workout clothes, no shower, no getting dolled up, nothing like my typical dates) to get to know each other.  so, my friend and i head to the lunch spot and he shows up showered in nice clothes, WHAT?  i already felt uber disgusting and a little insecure meeting someone in gym clothes and kind of sweaty/smelly, but i was holding onto the fact that he would look the same.  instead, homeboy shows up in his seven jeans, nice shirt, and brown dress shoes.  i resigned quickly to the fact that there was no way i could go to the bathroom and shower or look any different, he was getting 100% natural kelsey sans makeup and after workout.  i quickly learned that he follows a pretty strict diet... paleo.  if you are not sure what this is, it basically means he eats what cavemen would have eaten, so meats, nuts, and berries... he does allow himself to cheat a little with cheese, ha.  i was thinking, my cheat day would consist of some chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, pizza, french fries, and all the processed goodness out there.  while i try to eat relatively healthy and i do workout, i am not obssessive about it, nor do our eating habits align in any way, shape, or form, ha.  so, i could probably get past that, but then he got on a tangent about the hollistic approach to treatment of ailments.  he basically doesn't think we should treat people with medication.  the irony behind this is that he is a nurse, so he gives out medicine all day.  i would agree that some doctors over medicate their patients, but where we differ is i do not think all of people's illnesses are caused by environmental factors or do i buy into the herbal solutions or diet out there.  i agree that changing one's diet could help alleviate problems they may have.  for example, someone who is borderline diabetic or has knee pain, if they lose weight by eating healthier may reduce their knee pain without medicine and they may no longer be diabetic.  there are cases, for me i take thyroid medicine, that i think medication is completely warrented.  at some point, i interrupted the lunch meeting and said, so basically you think i shouldn't have a job (i was joking, but kind of annoyed).... i help bring new drugs into the world, haha.

the biggest thing i took away from our lunch was that we don't have a lot in common.  i think he is a super nice guy, talks a lot and is very passionate about life coaching, eating healthy, working out, etc.  at one point he mentioned his dad was a campus minister, i wanted to hear more about that, but someone that was brushed over and not discussed in detail.  i didn't really talk a lot, my friend and him had a lot in common (not like that, she is married), so i am glad i avoided the awkward crossfit workout and i am thankful for my friend for setting us up, but this one wasn't meant to be.

moving on to other stories, i am currently doing the online dating thing... why you may ask, but i work from home by myself, and i do not have a lot of places to meet people.  i recently had a 43 year old try to talk to me, and i can really do no explanation of this one other than to copy and paste what he sent me... i CANNOT make this stuff up, haha...

I've always thought it would be cool to go to Haiti, but have never had the opportunity to go. Well, you sound like you might be more than just another pretty face. Something tells me that you're probably getting about 50 emails a day from loser guys saying things like "Hi, I'm freshly divorced from my seventh wife, have 5 delinquent kids... but the good news is that I have a good chance at finally getting a job..." etc.

In any event, I have my life together, and I'm more than the usual amount of interesting and funny, so you'd better like to laugh.

You sound like you might make an interesting friend, so let's get together for a cup of something delicious and some stimulating conversation... if you're up for some fun, that is!

Look forward to hearing from you,


He then sent another email, which was like three days later and it was worded similar... so then after i sent one or two sentences, trying to give him a chance, I get this....

I've gone to a couple of holiday parties, but not too many really. Wow, you're a real person. Great. I guess we have a couple of options here. We could start an email relationship, fall madly in love, and maybe even get a priest to marry us in a live chat ceremony...

Then again, we could get together for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation and make friends. And then after I can validate that you're actually the cute girl in these pictures I've seen of you, we can talk about the online marriage thing.

If you have a free minute, give me a call tonight. My number is 704-906-2923. I'm a pretty busy person, and I can't guarantee that I'll be home, but please give a try. And please call before 11 PM because that's when my mom makes me go to sleep.

By the way, where can I reach you if I want to call you ten times a day?

Look forward to hearing from you,


on that one, i said I am not interested... seriously this guy was 43, what in the world?  i am thankful this provides some humor most days.


Friday, December 14, 2012

crossfit for a first date, what?

so, i am forever being set up by people, which i appreciate.  as you can see, since i am still single, many times they do not work out.  the funny thing, a lot of times we don't even make it to an actual meeting, but sometimes we do.  most recently, a good friend of my, whom i babysat her children all during college, called to see if i would be up for a set up.  i always agree, unless there is a huge red flag.  she explained that she has been working out with him for about three years and that he is just a great guy.  she went on to explain that he is a nurse, loves to dance, and is a christian.  i thought, sounds good to me, i'll at least meet him.  she did say he chooses to shave his head and has a goatee.  i kind of laugh to myself, as i am not a fan of facial hair, but i am learning that you can't have it all, so who knows, he could be a phenominal guy with some facial hair... i digress, but will definitely meet him.  she says, "i don't know how you people do things these days, but i'll talk to him and see."  i suggested just giving him my phone number and letting him be a man and call a girl (seems to be a foreign idea these days, but i still have hope).  a few days later i heard back from her, she says, i am getting a sense from him that he is shy.... odds are not in his favor... don't like a shy guy.  she says, i don't think he feels comfortable calling you and meeting up for coffee or lunch by himself.  really?  i am thinking that is lame, but i guess i thrive by myself with someone, others get nervous... note to self:: extend grace and be understanding:)  so, the two options i was given were to meet him for a free crossfit workout at their gym and then head to lunch with my friend and him or go to zumba with my friend, then he can come back with us to her house and we all back christmas cookies with the kids....

one, it should be stated that i have never done crossfit a day in my life, and it quite frankly it terrifies me.  the people i know that do it are beasts and the most fit peole i know.  they don't have an ounce of fat on them, would never dream of eating a cheeseburger, and so, me and my average self like to indulge in a sinful treat every now and then and this sounded like an awful plan.  not to mention, i am an ugly workout person.  i mean, i don't wear make up (many at my gym do), why would i want to sweat it all off.... my face is so red i look as if i may pass out at any second, oh wait, i may, because it is hard... and i sweat, did i mention that already.  all of these things combined sound like a great first impression NOT.  then, after all of that, you want to go to lunch, typically after a really hard workout, i go home and lay on my living room floor, drinking endless amounts of water, trying to catch my breath, and wonder what in the world just happened to me, but somehow i am supposed to pull myself together and impress a guy? 

the second option wouldn't be so bad, zumba can be fun (it isn't my favorite, but i love to workout with friends and would to head to the gym with her), but again i don't want to go to lunch with him afterwards.  as for the baking christmas cookies afterwards, i would be all for that with the kids, whom i love and adore, but why does this stranger have to come and rain on my parade?  i only get to see them once every few months, so trying to impress someone while baking cookies, i think not.  have i mentioned that i am terrible in the kitchen?  not one of my gifts at all.  i should note; however, that i am amazing with kids:)  that would be one plus. 

so, as of now, we don't have a plan, i was told to bring workout clothes and to plan for any of the options above.... i'll have to post a part two to see what ended up happening.  goodness, the things i get myself into.  i hope i don't have to do a crossfit workout with a strange guy i haven't ever met, as i may be posting this from a hospital after i pass out and have to be taken there... here's hoping not:) 

why a new blog?

so, i thought it could be fun to start a new blog dedicated to all of my stories about dating.  so many times i am telling my friends about a new guy that i have met, talked to, gone out with, etc and they are like you should write a book, ha.  i am not a writer, as you will quickly find out, but i am a very detailed person, can be brutally honest, and honestly just can't make this stuff up.. it is real life:: it happens:)  enjoy these stories, lots of funny, most i take with a grain of salt at this point, but i am ever so hopeful that one day i can close this blog or change to telling you all about one amazing guy.  it should also be noted, most importantly, that i trust that God has a plan and he knows exactly when i will meet him...