Monday, August 31, 2015


so, I had taken a hiatus from dating, but I am slowly getting back into it...

so, I met a guy online (surprise), but the best part was that he knew lots of peeps from my hometown.  we will call him mcfly, but I have friends that have gotten into the couple names (completely for fun), so we were "kmart."  let me start by saying, he was so nice and absolutely hilarious.  yall, he actually picked up the phone and CALLED me.  we talked nearly every day or at least texted and it was so nice.  seriously, it is such a lost art.  I have never laughed as hard as I did while talking to him. 

since we were in the thick of the summer and chaotic schedules, we talked for three weeks before meeting. this has its advantages and disadvantages, but for the most part I will not complain.  if someone would have asked me before we actually met, if we would hit it off, I would have guaranteed it, but that is not how it worked out.

he was a firefighter, bird-dog lover, hunter, handy man, and apparently played the harmonica (I cannot even).  he loved his family and was such a good uncle. 

so, date day finally arrives and he got lost on the way to get me.  (please note, I rarely let guys pick me up, but because we had so many mutual friends and no one had anything ugly or concerning to say, I let him.)  I don't just mean a little lost, I mean like an hour.  he called after about 45 minutes and was beyond frustrated and shouted a cuss word on the phone.  (I am not holier than thou, but yelling the F word because you get lost is not good on a first date or ever, no matter which way you spin it.)  so, the date started off on the wrong foot, but I was determined to have fun regardless.

unfortunately, his mannerisms and some things he said while on the date, quickly made me aware that this was not the guy for me.  I had prayed for clarity from God all day, and I really felt like God did just that.  after dinner, we sat outside and talked, etc.  I was trying to give it the good ole' college try, but I was just not feeling it. 

anyone who knows me, knows I have no poker face.  I feel like my body language is the same way, but apparently not.  we were standing looking at something and I can feel mcfly coming closer towards me.  he had this look like he was going to kiss me, and I kept thinking, oh no, how do I get out of this?  yall, this kiss was the worst thing I have ever experienced.  I cannot do it justice in words, but I will do my best.  he is facing me (obviously) and he puts both of his hands on the back of my head and starts moving my head all around.  (cue motion sickness, haha)... I am kind of in shock and thinking, what in the world  my head is being turned all different directions and then he is trying to kiss me.  I felt like it was more like an animal attacking me; horrifying.  this was the worst few seconds and worst kiss of my life.  he did it again as I was trying to get him to leave to go home, and I was so completely baffled. 

I hate when guys do not pick up on it, when I feel like I am making it obvious, but it is what it is.  I had to tell him a few days later that I was not interested and did not feel it.  he was very nice and I wish him nothing but the best.

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