Tuesday, October 28, 2014

next dud up... OTIS

so, i thought i'd jump back into online dating again, because last time i checked, i am still working from home and not having a whole lot of opportunities to meet new guys.  i have also come to the conclusion that this is truly an area that i cannot control, so whatever God intends to happen, it will.  i will keep putting myself out there, in hopes that one day it will be in His will, but until then... let the dating nightmares continue:)

so, i met "otis" online and we text for about two weeks.  he was straight up funny, which was so refreshing.  i felt like we had a lot in common, so i was excited to meet him.  after two weeks of communicating, we decided to meet.  so the plan was to go to park lanes (and bowl) and then grab dinner.  we arrive at park lanes all to learn it is league night.  he felt really bad that he didn't check into that first, but it did not matter.  they said a lane would be open at 9.  so, we head out to grab a bite to eat first at braswells (across the street).  dinner was fine, he talked a lot.  he had lots of big toys, so that was a huge part of our disussion, and quite honestly i could care less. i don't want to know that you and your buddy drove 120 mph on your  motorcycles to take a 1000 mile road trip and made it in 6 hours.  that sounds extremely dangerous.  conversation was okay, but nothing that blew it out of the park for him.

after dinner, about 8:45/9ish, we headed back out to the parking lot and he was telling me how he makes big life decisions by flipping a coin.  i am somewhat laughing at how ridiculous this sounds, but listening to his logic.  he bought a fixer upper of a beach house on a coin toss and his new truck.  he said it was too good of a deal to pass up, and since he couldn't decide, he flipped a coin.  yall... this type A personality was thinking this is truly nuts.  i mean, is he going to flip a coin to decide if he should marry someone one day?!?!  so, it was getting late, and he said, "why don't we flip a coin to decide if we are going to bowl?" i am thinking, sure, he will do this and no matter what side it lands on, he will change so we can extend our date.  well, i was wrong.  imagine that one!  he flips, i call heads and it lands on tails.  so, we leave.  we do not go bowl, and i was somewhat in shock.  not because i had this amazingly awesome time, but more because you would think that a guy would want to continue to hang out with you.  that was a new one on me, and i have seen a lot.

so, i heard from him for the next 5 days, via text.  i was willingn to go back out with him, and see if maybe a lot of it wasn't nerves or something. 

then he vanished.... about a week or so after i had not heard from him, i sent him a text and said, "i hope you are doing well.  havevn't heard from you in a few days, so good luck in your search."  i heard nada, nothing, crickets. 

oh, and if you are wondering why his nickname was otis.  he worked for otis elevators.  crystal and dusty came up with that one, so funny.

i was telling a friend yesterday that i would love and just wish that instead of vanishing (stopping all communication or not responding) that they would man up and say, "i am not interested in you because..."  i like to assume and that never gets anyone anywhere good, so it is probably best that i not know and leave it as God's protection from a jerk.

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