Tuesday, March 11, 2014

it is not always me

so, one thing i will start by saying is that, i am thankful for dates and opportunities.  so, this one had a good nickname.  lindsey, who does most of the nicknames, called this one Horacio, hehe.  you see, he was a crime scene investigator.  i do not watch CSI, but lindsey must, so she appropriately nicknamed him Horacio. 

so, we had been emailing for over a month and he finally asked me out.  i really thought he may never ask, haha.  so, we made plans to meet up at the halfway point, which was concord.  so, i met up with him friday night.

i would not say this was a great day, but it certainly wasn't bad.  i said it was neutral. one thing i realized after friday's date, was that all of these guys (whether online or a matchmaking situation) are strangers.  in high school and college, guys i liked were friends first.  this is so different, as you are trying to get to know the basics, while also deciding if they are a compatible match.  it is difficult at times.  conversation flowed for the most part, he was so polite, and i honestly could not say a negatie thing about him until the end of the date.

so, it was pretty cold outside on friday night.  we walked out, his arms are in his coat pockets, which is where they stayed.  he did not even walk me to my car (and homeboy is a police officer) and basically just said, "i'm glad we got to meet up."  i knew immediately, as i am good judge of character and reading people, that he was not interested.  i talked to LJ and she was quick to defend him, saying perhaps he was nervous.  well folks, i haven't heard a peep from him.  i am not surprised, i should be used to it, but sometimes it still stings.

not much to say on this one, but he had a good nickname:)

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