Friday, January 3, 2014

you always have to take the chance

so, i have a friend who wanted to set me up with her fiance's good friend.  she had been building this up for quite some time, and all the things i kept hearing about said guy were AWESOME.  sometimes, the buildup is half the problem.  in our minds we have this guy on a pedestal or made up version and just cannot wait to meet him.  my friend had heard about him from her fiance, but finally got to meet him at her fiance's birthday dinner.  while there, something came up about online dating.  we will nickname him "airforce" because he was in the airforce for a few years.  airforce mentioned that he had been thinking of setting up a profile on christian mingle, but didn't know if he had the time to weed through the bad to get to the good.  he said, he wanted to meet the right woman, but just didn't know if he had the time to go out or meet the bad ones too, ha.  i totally get that.  so, my friend was like, "well, i have single girl friends, what kind of girl are you interested in?"  he then went on to say, "this may seem a bit odd, but a girl who is successful/got her act together, but a little country too."  my friend was so excited.  you see, i may be a city girl now or like the city life, but at the core, i am a country girl:)  i love a good country boy, and always will.  if he hunts and fishes, has guns, etc... doesn't bother me one bit.  he said a few other things, but nothing that made my friend think we would not be a good match.  so, my friend and her fiance were on a mission.  we had several days planned, but for one reason or another it was rescheduled, cancelled, planned again, etc.  it was quite discouraging, but i just kept reminding myself that if it was in God's will it would happen.

so, long story short, we met, not in the  most normal way, ha.  he wanted to meet me with my friend and her fiance.  that is fine, but it ended up being with my friend, her fiance, my friend's mom, brother, and sister-in-law at a Christmas cantata.  not necessarily a place where one can talk to someone, but we made the best of it.  afterwards, we all went to dinner.  it was very odd to be on somewhat of a display for all at the table to hear, and i struggled with how to appear interested in getting to know him and how to not feel stupid, but i made the best of it.  i would say that neither of us got to see the other's personality that much, but it was okay.  afterwards, he walked me to my car.  this was the only time all night that we were not in front of an audience, can you imagine?  i guess i now know what these people feel like on tv, reality dating shows, as it is so completely awkward.  i mean, here is this guy i know nothing about.  i don't even know if he has siblings, where he works, etc... i am having to ask him this in front of peeps, haha.  i am not normally nervous on first dates, because, well let's face it, i have a whole blog dedicated to these awkward encounters, but this was so different.  okay, sorry i got sidetracked.  back to my car... he did manage to ask me for my number.  he was pretty shy from what i could tell, so i could tell this was a BIG DEAL.

two days later i got a random text from him at like 11am in the middle of my work day.  this has got to be one of my pet peeves, but i won't complain too much.  it is better than not hearing at all, i guess.  what i don't understand though is how one expects me to get to know them in the middle of my crazy, busy work day???  i tried to respond, ask questions, etc but he got busy as well.  so, after three to four texts back and forth, it went nowhere.  the next day around 10:30 am i sent him one that just said, i hope you have a great day and hopefully we can get to know each other after work hours.  dorky, quite possibly, do i care, not a bit.  well, folks, i never heard from him again.

i tend to beat myself up and think that it is me when dates go wrong or guys don't call.  for whatever reason, he chose not to call.  guess what, this one wasn't my fault.  i did NOTHING wrong.  i was talking to my mother about it, and she said some great things, but basically she said, i wish you wouldn't think it was you, maybe he has problems.  it is true, in this case, it was HIS LOSS, not mine.

my friend and her fiance have apologized so much, for that i am thankful, but it isn't their fault nor do they need to apologize.  as i said in the beginning, you have to take a chance and i pray that one day, i'll take the chance on the right one.

on to a new year of dating adventures, fun times, i tell ya.  don't you wish you were me, ha!

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